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Arabic Eid Greeting On Glass! {A video tutorial}

Happy Eid my friends! May Allah accept your prayers, supplications and best of deeds. Today I will be sharing a video tutorial to show you how to etch on glass using an Arabic calligraphy stencil. I used a vinyl stencil of the Arabic greeting for Eid (birthdays and a new year) that says; “Kol Aam Wa Antom [...]
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10 Eid Gift Ideas I Found On Etsy

Ever since I joined the Etsy community it has been my go to marketplace for unique goods. Its a wonderful place for artisans from all over the world to sell their own handmade creations. Whatever you can think of; clothing, home decor, accessories, jewelry, books, art, paper crafts, shoes, toys, and of course craft supplies (like my [...]
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