My Front Door Side Windows Etched With Islamic Pattern
When we moved into our current home, I covered the windows surrounding the front door with glass wallpaper. If you are not familiar with this amazing product, click here. While I love the look they give to the entrance, I found that the corners keep pealing off. Maybe I did not apply them correctly, or the sun heat had an effect on them. Never the less, after my daughter managed to pull one off, I knew I needed a permanent alternative.
I found my inspiration in the March issue of House Beautiful .
I fell in love with Islamic pattern and imagined it would look great on the entry side windows. So, I had to create a stencil of that design. I was fortunate to find it here, drawn out and ready for printing. Yay!
After printing the pattern, I covered it with a stencil sheet, then cut out the desired pattern using an X-acto knife.
Next, I secured the stencil to the window using stencil adhesive, then I cut it to fit inside the window frame.
In order to protect the paint from seeping under the stencil, I used Gallery Glass Redi-Lead lines to outline the pattern.
Next, I used Etching medium as my “color” and dabbed it on against the stencil opening. After drying for 10 minutes, I removed the stencil.
Then, I followed the same method to fill in the border lines with crystal clear window color. At first, I applied the paint directly onto the window as in the picture below. But, I did not like the look. So, I cleaned it off with soap and water, and dabbed the paint on using a stencil brush.
The result is a textured effect that allows light to penetrate through and provide privacy at the same time.
It is hard to take a picture that shows the pattern clearly because of the light coming from behind the window, but I think this will give you some idea of how beautiful the windows now look.
I love the final look, but I am debating whether to leave it as is or to outline the shapes with the Redi Lead lines or black paint. This would give the exact look I saw in House Beautiful magazine. What do you think?
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